
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Internet Connected but Can’t Browse Any Sites

Do the following step when Internet connected to your computer , but it can’t browse any site
Resetting IP in Windows XP
In Windows XP, use the following steps to reset the Internet Protocol:
1. Click Start
2. Click Run
3. Type cmd
4. Click Ok
5. In the Black Command Box Type: netsh int ip reset c:\resetlog.txt
6. Hit Enter Key
7. Restart the computer and try to log in and browse the Internet.
If the problem persists, continue using these steps.
8. Click Start
9. Click Run
10. Type cmd
11. Click Ok
12. In Black Command Box Type: netsh winsock reset
13. Hit Enter Key
14. Restart Computer
It that doesn’t work also try Resetting IE8 to Default Options
1. Click Tools Tab
2. Click Internet Options at bottom
3. Click Advanced Tab on far right
4. Click Reset near bottom5. Click Ok and Close Internet Explorer 8
6. Restart Internet Explorer 8


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